Thursday, June 30, 2011

BLT's in Narnia

I'm sorry to say breakfast was jam on toast again. What can I say, I bore myself. If I could ever get into the swing of things then you would be seeing pictures of eggs on toast WITH canadian bacon (ay), doosn't that sound delicious? me too.

Look at the giant first bite that I took! If you are a stranger reading this blog I hope that you think I am Julia Roberts writing a blog under a fake name. Wait, I just looked at that bite again, totally not big enough to be Julia. And now that I'm re-examining the picture the lighting is awful. It doesn't help that I slightly burned the toast either. Its like looking at toast through the eyes of Edgar Allen Poe. I have to say, I don't hate burned toast (burnt toast?). The only thing I mind about it is that I worry about it giving me cancer. I definitely read that somewhere. EVERY time I eat burnt toast I worry about that, and that's a lot of worrying. I mean, still not enough to make me put down the toast, research the matter and come down definitively on either side of the issue, but then again, there isn't much that would motivate me to do research. I will read fashion blogs all day long though. 

Oh lunch was so much better! Its only Thursday but I still feel confident in saying this will take best lunch of the week this week. I went to Lil Peppers Deli which is one of those hidden lunch places that relies solely on the patronage of the businesses around it. I mean, there is no signage whatsoever. I probably couldn't find it on my own as I've only ever ridden in somebody's car to get there. Its like the Narnia of sandwich shops, you can really only find it by accident. And what a happy accident it is! Plus, a free cookie with anything you buy. I had a BLT (more toasted wheat bread, NOT burnt so I didn't think about cancer) a very wee side salad, half a bag of jalapeno chips, a fountain soda (weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!) and A COOKIE (that I did not order but was just given, I know I already made that point but can a point about a deli that gives away free cookies be made enough? I don't think so.) 

Today at Sophie's I had another hotdog and lo, it was delicious. I followed it up with a fruit salad. I've been feeling vaguely guilty about the lack of vegetables in this blog so far. I didn't have any on hand so I figured, I'll make the fruit into a salad, and voila, problem solved. Also it meant that I could mask another banUGHna with the taste of delicious strawberries. That fruit salad was working overtime!

After nannying I was facing some tough choices, what to have for second dinner? I am at home so there is actual salad in the fridge that I could eat to add some veggies to this mix, but I don't want to over do it on the salad front, I mean...I just had salad at first dinner. Really I had only one other choice:

Second dinner was better than first dinner. I'm not sure what's going on with second dinner photography but ANOTHER dog has snuck into the background of the shot. I will reiterate, she is scenery not savory. I better go, all this blogging is making me tipsy! No...second dinner is making me tipsy.

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