Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Second breakfast? Elevenses?

I have decided to write a blog. I've read a couple of blogs and their first posts usually talk about how their friends hoped they would start writing down their hilarious stories or some other premise like that, basically establishing that they are in demand and people want to hear from them...I'm the opposite. I'll be pushing this blog on people who probably don't want to read it but they SHOULD for their own sake, I mean, otherwise they will score pretty embarrassing marks when it comes time for the quizzing. I'm really surprised people haven't already suggested I do this.

My reason for blogging? Two words: Food journalling (journaling?), (three words). Every food journal that I have ever kept has swiftly gone the way of wherever journals go when people stop writing in them and use them as coasters, door jambs, dust collectors, etc. I know that doesn't bode well for this blog but I'm hoping that since I can't physically use this writing space for a different purpose and the world wide web doesn't get dusty (on the inside) I'll just have to keep writing. So here goes...

Dinner last night was delicious. After I finish nannying (where I usually eat the equivalent of a full dinner) I go home and eat second dinner, which always makes me feel like one of the funny hobbits:

P - "What about second breakfast?"
M - "I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip."
P - "What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?"
M - "I wouldn't count on it."

Those hobbits crack me up! Not the boring ones that the story is actually about, but the comic relief ones who talk instead of just staring mournfully into the camera (ahem Frodo...). I don't think I can hear the word 'breakfast' without immediately thinking of Pippin asking for second breakfast. Anyway, so I go home to have my second dinner and last night this is what I had:

Jealous? You should be. My friend Khrisna came over and we gossiped our way through Bread & Cie Jalepeno Cheddar bread, TJ's Cheddar Cheese Straws, spicy olives, crunchy asian snack mix, and mini stroopwafels (they are dutch...isn't that veeeeerd?). Oh...and two bottles of champagne! Sometimes you just need a girls night. I'm going to say now, and perhaps I should have said before, don't be shocked...this blog will feature alcohol anecdotes. I told my friend Rae that I was starting a blog. Its going to be about food I said. Her text back read "Shock gasp! lol hey u better include wine too or else I don't know who u r!" Burn.
I could say that we didn't go into the evening intending to drink two bottles, but I did buy them especially for the evening so make what you will of it. I could also say don't judge but I'm judging myself, not for the drinking part, but for wondering all day today why I had a headache...you can judge me for that.

Breakfast today was whole wheat toast with raspberry jam and a lovely cup of coffee, honestly I'm supposed to be photographing all my food but there you have it, second meal into the blog and I forgot this one. Trust me it wasn't interesting and I'm sure you can picture the whole meal on your own. Wondering about my mug? Don't worry, it features in my luncheon photography. After breakfast I went to a meeting, they had monster pastries and a fruit tray, I already regret starting this blog, I chose the fruit.

 Before you ask, no, better lighting wouldn't help this picture...its fruit from a tray at a meeting, this is as exciting as it gets. Yawn...lunch rolled around and I went with this:

Do you see that mug? It would have been full of coffee during the breakfast shot. Anyway, I thought (stupidly) that this spread would fill me up, turns out no. I have to say the shredded oats were fantastic, they always are. I like to eat two or three pieces and then take a big swig of milk. Rae once laughed at me for eating deconstructed cereal, that made me think of a deconstructed nicoise salad I ate at a fancy restaurant once. So now whenever I eat shredded oats with milk (which you will learn is A LOT) I think of nicoise salad. Maybe that's why I think it is a lunch that will fill me up, spoiler alert,  it doesn't, I am about to post a picture of second lunch. Oh yeah, there were grapes there too, more fruit, snooze.

So that is second lunch. Inspiration struck when I was photographing it. Did you think I zipped over to Maui for second lunch? Wrong! I put my food on my tropical mouse pad, so pret-ty! The brown stuff in the cup was chili, and it was delicious. Nikki and I walked over to the cafeteria because I was moaning about my headache (pre-hangover acceptance), you need a fountain soda said she. When do I not need a fountain soda? Well aside from when I aspire to fit into my jeans ever again. I should give you some background, I LOVE FOUNTAIN SODA. Canned soda? I could take it but I will most likely leave it. Fountain soda? I will probably be installing a fountain soda machine in my house at some point. Side note - did you know that at McDonalds you can get a small coke from the dollar menu? Of course you did! BUT did you know that if you order extra large it is also only $1?? Yes, I will always order the extra large on principal there, but honestly, who ever needs that much coke? Not even me.

I digress, we went to the cafeteria, and I tried to hate the chili, I REALLY tried. They listed cilantro as an ingredient, yuck. That's a great way to ruin delicious food. But as it turns out you couldn't taste any cilantro so the chili was still edible. So chili and soda for second lunch, yummy.

Bold move there, I went with no transition, just straight into the next picture. You're looking at dinner (first dinner, nannying dinner). Sophie ate hotdogs and string cheese all cut up into little rounds so I skipped the string cheese and replaced it with condiments and a bun for the hot dog. It was great. Tonight I thought I would try and replaced second dinner with shopping. On my way home from nannying I went to Target and bought various bits and pieces. I wasn't fooling anyone though:

There you have it, a LIGHT second dinner. I finished the last remnants of champagne in an effort to finally get rid of this headache (hair of the poodle that bit you) and the last few stroopwafels. That's my dog Gibbs in the background, just scenery, not menu item. I think any healthy dieter would call my second dinner 'empty calories' - does that mean regular calories are FULL of it? Or just the healthy dieters out there?

Well that's my first post finished - all this blogging is making me hungry.

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