Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Heap o' Tots

I doubt that in the whole history of food blogs there has ever been one about food as ordinary as mine is. As I sit at my desk photographing toast it occurs to me, you might not be interested in my toast…tough toasties reader, I’m not going to jazz up my diet just for your reading pleasure. 

So that was breakfast...dry as toast you might say...Today I am researching cupcakes for a project at work. I have to order 600 cupcakes by July 12th so I’m pricing out all of the options. I just spoke to a lady who quoted me $1.45/cupcake. Ok, this was my first cupcake pricing conversation to I had no scale to measure that on but it seems a little dear…are your cupcakes that rich too? Anyway, I’m ordering 600 so perhaps you could throw me a little discount says I (hopefully). She puts me on hold to check it out and comes back with, “Well, if we just swirl the icing on top instead (instead of what? She never said.) then it would only be $1.40/cupcake.” Thaaaat doesn’t sound like a bulk discount to me. That sounds like you’re going to put less effort into making the cupcakes and then (rightfully so) charge me less. Why don’t you skip the sugar and make them $1.35 each? How about just pouring all the batter into a large can and leaving it in the sun for a while, how much for cupcakes then? Next time I want to know how much it costs for you to do sub par work I will ask you that specifically. By the way, can you even imagine that conversation the other way around?

Me - $1.45 per cupcake? Hmm how about if you just schmear the icing on any which way, how much you would charge me then?
Bakery Lady - ummm…dial tone

Anyway, I’m still researching, we’ll see how it all turns out. The point of talking about this is that its lunch time, and I’ve been looking at pictures of cupcakes for an hour now. All this cake-gazing has made me want to jet down to the cafeteria and pick up whatever my little belly desires. However, the thought of taking a picture of it and then having to write all about it on here stopped me…Sure, it would have been a grubby little food entry with what I had in mind (tater tots!) but the accountability of all this caught up to me so instead I ate this:

Not really inspiring and technically second breakfast material but still, healthier than a heap of tots. Incidentally ‘healthier than a heap of tots’ sounds like a saying, don’t you think? I can hear a southern lady saying it for sure, ‘How’s Billy doing?’ ‘Oh girl, he’s healthier than a heap o’ tots’. I like that. What I don’t like are bananas. I’m not bananas about them. I don’t die for them, Rachel Zoe, I just don’t. But I do know they are good for me so I try to stomach 2-4 per week. Today after my second breakfast of champions I forced one down. Here’s the before and after to prove it. 

With that background in play doesn’t it look like a hurricane came blowing in and destroyed the banana? It pleases me to think of my hunger as a hurricane. A hungircane. Hungircane Anneka – ironically in that scenario the only people affected would be those who had stocked provisions in case of an actual hurricane, I’m hitting those houses first!

Someone just walked by my desk with a big plate of cookies. They looked delicious and I would like one right now. I guess this is where writing down everything you eat comes into play in helping a diet. Thinking about having to add that cookie to the blog has stopped me. I will not go and get one. I will not photograph it. I will not eat it. I hope this doesn’t turn into a blog about all the things I haven’t been eating…Either way those cookies will be gone in five minutes. Will power is something that doesn't need to be long lasting in an office. Free food invariably creates a feeding frenzy.

Yes, just like that. 

If only we were paid to be here we could all afford to buy our own food…As long as I can resist the urge to jump in the fray I don’t need to worry about those cookies again. Although that siren song is doubly potent, I have to go against the call of a cookie as well as the primal urge to join any mob that passes me by. Those of you who know me well know that I rarely pass that up! See?

Just kidding, that’s not me! But I love this picture, I may get it framed for my house. I read an article a couple of days after this was taken and as it turns out, that guy was comforting his girlfriend who had been trampled to the ground by riot police. Is it just me or does everyone agree that Americans should stop poking fun at Canada, they can obviously retaliate when provoked. So lets all cut it oot eh? Ha! I couldn’t resist, I went all HGTV on you.

Today I’m not nannying so there is no excuse for two dinners. I’m starving though, probably because the raisin bran didn’t make that much of a dent, so its 4:30 and I think I’ll have a yogurt, hopefully that will hold me until dinner.

You might say I have been pining for that yogurt.

Gibbs loves when I eat yogurt...
I’m not sure why though.

Dinner when it rolled around was delicious! Mash potatoes, tri tip, and zucchini. And I think the first real meal to be posted to this blog!

Oh, it looks so healthy and delicious! I would eat it all over again. And I know that I said there is no excuse for two dinner tonight...but I had seconds anyway! And thirds!

Sometimes the food is so good you just shouldn't say no. After dinner Nick and I went over to a friend's house who's birthday it was. They were having pizza and offered us some when we arrived. I'm ashamed to say that after all that tri tip and all those mashed potatoes I was still ready for pizza! But I said no, which is probably a good thing because we all celebrated Tim's birthday with wine and cupcakes, yummmmmm.

The cupcake was a perfect end to the day, considering all the research I was doing earlier. Now I'm full of food, full of dessert - yes that is different than regular food - and full of wine. Time for bed, all this blogging is making me sleepy.

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