Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fish meat is practically a vegetable.

Alright, I have once again fallen behind on my blog. I remembered mostly to take pictures which is a plus and I just found a very short word document that I emailed to myself on Tuesday that includes the beginning of a blog. You know, Tuesday, back when I had the best intentions to write every day and not have four days worth of food backed up on me…that metaphor didn't really go where I wanted it to. In the spirit of getting this thing going I’m just going to use my notes for Tuesday and start from after them. So enjoy the rough and un-edited thoughts of Anneka on a Tuesday:

Toast for breakfast this morning. It was from Nick’s double fiber loaf and it tasted like saw dust in my mouth. I finished it but still.

Lunch at Chopsticks. Miso Ramen, yummy but now my tummy hurts. Was it all the tic tacs I ate afterwards? Note to self, tic tacs and Miso Ramen don’t mix well. Had a fountain soda with lunch. I feel like I have a poisonous balloon in my tummy.

Milk and shredded oats for snack.
 That toast makes me think of Fargo, and I haven't even seen Fargo. I just know that there is a scene with a wood maybe that toast just reminds me of wood chippers. But I can't think of a wood chipper with out thinking of Fargo. So just pretend you stopped reading after the second sentence of this paragraph.
 That ramen is DELICIOUS. I ate it even though it was 90 degrees outside if that gives you a clue as to how good it is. Also, that bowl is holding more vegetables than I ate all of last week. Is another picture of fountain soda necessary? Yes.
Well there you have it, that’s all I have written so far, and its Saturday morning. I really need more self discipline, but you already knew that! You read my food journal! I do wonder why I followed up, “I feel like I have a poisonous balloon in my tummy” with “Milk (!) and shredded oats for snack”. That seems like a bold move. Also, my stomach must have really been hurting for me to continually use the word tummy…Which reminds me of a time that my Mum called my work (I was 16) and told them I couldn’t come in because I had a tummy ache. I definitely heard about that one the next day, although sort of my own fault for not having the nerve to call out for myself. If I could to this day I would still have my Mum call me out sick. I hate doing it more than anything. I can say with certainty that unless my ailment is something like, spontaneously bursting into flames, calling out sick is the WORST part of being sick for me. So thanks Mum for doing it that one time, I really did have a horrible tummy ache. 

Dinner that night was fruit salad and a cookie at Sophie's. Then when I got home I had Coco Krispies. I made these frozen ham and cheese puffs from Trader Joes (aside from what I am about to say that have the best frozen foods) but they were gross. I ate five and decided I hated them. I didn't take a picture because I think I decided that my hatred meant that I hadn't actually eaten them. Although now that I'm thinking about it, five is kind of a lot. They are bite sized...but five bites could be a whole portion of meat if I'm taking nutritious advice and only eating something the size of my fist. Which by the way, is a really strange way to measure meat. I mean if I'm angry while I portion out my food I'll probably be getting a whole lot less than when I'm relaxed, and being an emotional eater that really doesn't work for me. 
That cookie was so good! And it was on a baking tray with seven of its friends and I was told to help myself! I consider it a real personal triumph that I only had the one. Oh, and five disgusting ham and cheese pastry bites...

On Wednesday I really shook things up, unintentionally. I took the double fiber toast to work again and I decided it might taste better if I didn't forget it in the toaster for half an hour before eating it. But despite all my good intentions and I forgot about it and an hour later there it was, dry and unappealing. However, I was in luck because:
Just then a meeting let out and there was plenty of eggs, bacon and breakfast potatoes left! I ditched the toast and dug in. I tell you what, there is a real difference between eating toast for breakfast verses eggs, bacon, and potatoes. I didn't even eat lunch on Wednesday. I just didn't get hungry, also there was so much work to do, I mean SO MUCH WORK. I worked late on Wednesday, 2 and a half hours late, and there was still piles and piles to do. Working late makes me crabby. So even though I scared myself silly by re-reading my posts so far and decided to give up drinking I bought a bottle of wine and had some with dinner. I really should have stuck to my guns that night because that was a bad plan. And I mean, I should have stuck to ALL my guns. At first I wasn't going to drink, but then I went shopping for wine. Then at Henry's the wine I like wasn't on sale anymore so I had to look for something else. Nick pointed out the wine that was on sale and I immediately said no. I hated the label and it was a twist open. What can I say? I like to judge things quickly. Nick likes to laugh at me because most of the time I'm wrong and then have to grudgingly admit that I actually like what I proclaimed to hate. In fact, I think that when that happens it is one of his favorite things. Which kind of makes him sound bad but I snap judge a lot of the time, and my snap judgments are harsh people, harsh. Anyway, after staring at the wine for five minutes I grabbed the bottle that was on sale, I may not like the label I thought, but I like the price. Then when we drank it it was horrible! I didn't even get the satisfaction of being initially right because there is no satisfaction when you are drinking a glass of disgusting wine. And then it made me loopy! Not good loopy either, just the kind of weird post-gross-wine feeling you get sometimes. Like I said before, I should have stuck to my guns. Here's what we had with the gross wine:
The empty bowl in the second picture was full of salad. So I ate salad too. The meat was tri tip and it was delicious. The potatoes were garlic roasted. The bread was cheddar cheese jalapeno. All of it was just so good. Too bad about the nasty wine. 

On Thursday I decided to make eggs and canadian bacon at home. What's that all aboot, eh? That's aboot me loving that breakfast so much more than sawdust toast.
Look at my awesome place mat. Look at it I say! I want a purse like that I think. And if that purse had bacon in it? Well, I wouldn't kick it out of bed if you know what I mean. This was the one and only meal that I cooked at home this week. Everything else was consumed at Sophie's, Nick's, or work, or Chopstix. Last Friday I found a huge Chinese Water Beetle underneath my couch (damn you spring cleaning!) and I've really been too grossed out to stay there since. But all my clothes are there so I have to get dressed there in the mornings. Hopefully I don't find a beetle in my closet or I will probably run naked out of my house screaming. Never a good look.

For lunch I had chicken McNuggets! Need I say more?
That was a happy lunch! Nikki and I went to TJ Maxx to look at furniture, I rank furniture shopping directly beneath fountain soda in the list of things I love in case you are wondering how much fun I had at lunch, and then nuggets? Yes, a happy lunch. I didn't really need to have a snack that day but in for a penny in for a pound (or 10 pounds in my case) so when Nikki offered me a FiberOne brownie I made the right choice.
And just in case all my bagging on double fiber toast has made you skeptical of fiber products don't be, this didn't taste at all like saw dust. It was moist and chewy and had chocolate drizzled on top and was just the right size and I would eat it right now if it was sitting next to my computer instead of just inside my computer. One day when I have kids I suspect the last part of that sentence will read more literally.

For dinner Sophie and I had whole wheat mini bagels with cream cheese and grapes. Her grapes were cut in half but I ate mine whole.
I'm supposed to be eating less carbs (per Nikki who laughed at me when I said I would give up drinking because of all the empty calories, she reads the blog, she knows about all the late night carbing...) but I technically ate this bagel before 7pm and also it was whole wheat! And mini! And I skipped Second Dinner! Well almost, I ate a cheddar cheese straw, Gibbs had some too although that was unplanned.
Something in this picture doesn't belong...
As I look at all these pictures it makes me think that perhaps I should manicure just my thumb nails. Also, I didn't have wine on Thursday night, is this the first alcohol free day so far? Bravo! I should celebrate that, but what could I celebrate with...? Oh, now I can't drive anywhere today!

On Friday I went with the old favorite, eggs and canadian bacon. I cooked breakfast at Nick's house because I planned ahead and packed a work outfit on Thursday afternoon, which I had to iron! Ironing, to me, ranks up there with asparagus on the 'grown up' list. But I can only iron at Nick's house because I don't have an iron...anyway breakfast was great and I cooked some for Nick too, so I felt generally very pleased with myself. Ironing, cooking for someone else, pre-planning an outfit, all good things. The good things list doesn't include remembering to take a picture, sorry.

For lunch I had a quesadilla. It was filled with steak, onions, green peppers, and a little bit of cheese. If you had looked in my lunch bag you might have thought I was going to have goat cheese, crackers, shredded oats, peach yogurt, and salami, because that's what I brought to work. But it didn't take much for me to skip all that and go down to the cafeteria.
It doesn't look it, but that was an awesome quesadilla! And there was more of it than pictured, I just forgot to do anything but eat for the first three slices. Maybe my new rule of Full should be, stop eating when you remember to take a picture. Because I definitely ate that piece after photographing it, and it was definitely one piece too many. I had an apple for a snack a few hours later and it was great. So healthy and nature's tooth brush.
there's that thumb again
Although only eating an apple a day instead of brushing your teeth does NOT keep the dentist away. I worked late again, by over three hours, so it was a really good thing I had a snack, otherwise I would have gotten home crabby and hungry. But that just means crabby and crabbier really. I could have stayed five hours more at work and still had stuff to do but they turn off the AC after hours so staying any later was just not an option. About half way through my three hours of overtime I decided I would be needing a margarita when I got home. Maybe it was my lunch suggesting things to me from the other side, ooh spooky. So when Nick called I ordered tequilla and margarita mix, watch out blender here I come! Well, when I got home it turns out that we had a bunch of errands to run so we didn't settle down to eating or drinking anything until 9pm. By that time I was past the point of blending and mixing and who knows what else, I liked the idea of uncorking, pouring, ingesting. So I told Nick to do his Man Work (read: open the wine) and I made us a frozen dinner. I know I said before that Trader Joe's has the best frozen food so you're probably expecting something from there, but you are wrong. With one expception TJ's has the best frozen food. And that exception is Bertolli's Braised Beef with Red Peppers and Yukon Gold Potatoes. So that's what I made and we had it with salad and some stale jalapeno cheese bread. Overall a pretty good meal for 9 o'clock at night. I was too tired to think of taking pictures. For dessert I ate a few dark chocolate covered caramels (picture to follow later). They are awesome. Nick had one and said, there's a bit too much caramel in these. Excuse me? Although he likes almonds covered in chocolate, sea salt and turbadino sugar so what was I really expecting him to say.

Today started off in a strange way, eating wasn't the first thing on the agenda. I noticed a few fleas on Gibbs (ewww) so I went home to get some more Frontline and to PetSmart for some flea shampoo. When I got back we groomed, bathed, and medicated Gibbs, poor thing usually gets a nice walk on Saturdays...After that I had breakfast but I was past the point of getting fancy with it so I opted for cereal:
Cereal was a good choice. And the coffee went down nicely too. Lunch today has been me grazing while I sit writing this blog. So far I have had:
Also a small glass of wine to celebrate not drinking anything on Thursday:
Just a little though! Tonight we are planning on having a Mexican fiesta. Margaritas and fajitas. What are you going to eeta tonight? While you think about it watch this clip about Ron Swanson. It really reinforces what I was saying about vegetarians and how they look at mushrooms. Thank you Ron Swanson.

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